Supplier Diversity

Creating Opportunities and Connections
When it comes to sourcing, Foodbuy has a strong dedication to diversity, equity, and inclusion. When it comes to sourcing products and contracting suppliers, our dedicated Supplier Diversity Team works hard to maintain existing and build new non-food and food supplier relationships, providing our Sectors and Members with a wide range of products and procurement strategy solutions.
Foodbuy has maintained a commitment to collaboration with diverse product, service, and food suppliers since our inception in 1999. Today, we source from over 450 certified Women- and Minority-Owned Businesses and Enterprises (WMBE). We’re actively adding to our portfolio and increasing percentage spend with diverse suppliers annually.
Foodbuy’s priority is creating a supply chain strategy that’s diverse, equitable and inclusive. This is achieved by continuously updating internal processes, developing initiatives like the Diverse Supplier Accelerator Program, and highlighting the value of our diverse suppliers.
The Diverse Supplier Accelerator Program (DSAP)
In 2021, Foodbuy launched the Diverse Supplier Accelerator Program as part of an effort to invest time and resources to assist the growth of diverse suppliers. This initiative focuses on 10 women- and minority-owned businesses each year, connecting them with resources and education.