Education FAQs
Below is a list of questions often asked by customers in education. Don't see your question listed? Contact us and we will respond.
How can a GPO (Group Purchasing Organization) like Foodbuy help me?
What can I expect as a member of Foodbuy?
What types of products can Foodbuy offer my business?
What types of services does Foodbuy offer that are specific to education?
Can I choose my own distributor?
Can I buy local food from a GPO (Group Purchasing Organization) like Foodbuy?
Can Foodbuy provide the detailed nutritional information that I need to best serve my customers?
Does Foodbuy have a sustainability platform?
How do I go about ordering the products and services I need?
How do I find out more about becoming a Member at Foodbuy?
Whom should I contact if I have questions?